Things to know about Therapy
Before diving into the article, I have a question for all my readers here. Is the brain a part of our own body? Did we all say yes..? Then what’s the need of creating so much stigma around it unlike the liver, kidneys, and the heart. Why is any other organ or body part dysfunctionality normal but low mental immunity such a huge issue? Let’s see, because society might call you crazy? Well, I believe that no one person is completely sane in this world. We all have our own share of dysfunctionalities and being a little offbeat will keep you going in this twisted world. But coming to the other side of being offbeat - the more serious levels of having low mental health immunity causing you emotional stress and pain that drives you crazy. Yes, I am talking about all those times when people take depression, anxiety, stress, emotional vulnerability, and distancing, a joke and treat it like just a ‘phase’. The foremost thing to understand and adapt here is that this is no fun and it ...