Guide: How to make an effective LinkedIn Profile

When you think of social media platforms, what are the first things that come into your mind? Instagram Facebook Twitter Quora Ever think of LinkedIn? Unfortunately, I know the majority of the answer will point onwards no. LinkedIn is an extremely underrated platform that is not found and if found, is not used to give the optimum results. This piece of write-up is going to touch on some pointers that are necessary to get started on LinkedIn the right way. Firstly and most importantly comes in an ‘All-Star’ profile. Wondering what an all-star profile is? Well, think of when you are deciding on a password for something and it needs to be strong enough. This is exactly like that. An ‘All-Star’ profile is a complete profile adhering to all the requisites that need to be filled while forming one. This means that you have reached the bar to be termed as an optimum profile and you are good to go now. It is said that all-star profiles have 27 times better chances of get...